Tuesday, 25 April 2017

TTT (13) - Things That Make me NOT Want to Read a Book

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme created and hosted by The Broke and the Bookish.

Follow the link to know more about the meme and join up!

This week they're sharing the top ten things that make them NOT want to read a book. Their post this week can be found here.

Of course, it makes sense. Last week we looked at all the things that make us want to pick up and read a book instantly and this week we look at the things that make us take a step back and say, no.

I don't usually decide I wouldn't read a book outright. It takes a lot for me to not even consider reading the first few pages.
  1. Space. I LOVE sci-fi, but I prefer my sci-fi to be near future and usually centred around dystopian governments, weird tech (think Black Mirror on Netflix), apocalyptic scenarios or humanity trying to adapt after a disaster. I do enjoy some space. The Red Rising trilogy for example, or Battlestar Galactica (which is probably my favourite show). But in both examples, if you take away space you're still left with a functioning story. I'm much less keen on space ships and weird aliens.
  2. Hard Science Fiction. I like science, but when it's the most important part of a story, I lose interest. Usually.
  3. Bad reviews pointing out racismsexism and other problems. I often want to pick the book up myself to form my own opinion, but then I wonder, why bother? I've got a pile of books I actually want to read, why not just read those. I do usually read a few good reviews as well to balance the feedback, but I can't think of a single case where the reviews were mostly terrible and I ended up enjoying the book nonetheless.
  4. Sports. Simply not my thing.
  5. Zombies. I find them a bit boring. However there have been exceptions. For example I really enjoyed Stephen King's Cell.
  6. Genres: Western, Christian Fiction, Erotica
I shy away from too much romance, whether it's paranormal or contemporary, but every now and then I do enjoy picking one up. Sort of a guilty pleasure like ice cream. Which is why I didn't include it on the list. I also really dislike love triangles, but it doesn't make me run away...

What makes you not want to read a book? Let me know in the comments.


  1. Racism and Sexism in books is a huge one for me, too! There is nothing more irritating than getting to a book you were excited about, only to have it awaken your inner-feminist's rage.

    My TTT.

  2. Hard science fiction for me too, if it's way science heavy. I like a little realism but too much sciencey stuff and I might get bogged down. Not usually a zombie fan either! Not much into westerns either...

    1. Realism is good, but I read a book once after which I probably could have repaired the ISS haha!

  3. I like sci-fi, but hard sci-fi has never really been my thing either.

  4. Didn't think to put them on my own list, but I'm not a fan of westerns or Christian fiction either.

  5. Hard science fiction is a good way to describe it. I was going to put sci-fi on my list but I couldn't say that I wouldn't read it at all because I do enjoy some books in that genre. Your phrase describes it perfectly and I get bored with this as well.
    Laura :)
    My Top Ten Tuesday

    1. I was trying to find the right term, until I stumbled over hard sci-fi :) Hopping over to see your list now!

  6. I'm not that big on space either, I do like some sci-fi but it's mostly dystopian/near future stuff like you.
    My TTT: https://jjbookblog.wordpress.com/2017/04/25/top-ten-tuesday-104/

    1. Just hopping over to check your list now.
